Sunday, November 22, 2009

its really late and i can't sleep ...
i woke up and saw a text from you but your asleep for sure ...
i keep thinking how soon until i get to come home to you,
it feels soo close but i need it to get here sooner.

idk why but right now i keep imagining you laying here by me and doing your nesting sniffing thing lol ... i love when you do that :))

so i've gotten into this habit of whenever i can't sleep i watch nature shows online and tonights was all about unique courtships ... humans are soo bland ... there was this one monkey in suriname, the males would compete who could make the loudest noise by banging sticks against tree trunks and the loudest ones got the girl lol!! there was another one, the palm cockatoo, they can live up to 90 years old !!! and they usually mate for life. the male attracts a mate or courts his mate by building a nest in a hollow tree trunk and then fashioning a drum stick and pounding out different beats with it on his nest lol!!

i think when i take you to our nest one day ill play the drums for you and see if you want me as your mate :)) or maybe ill make up my own kind of courtship :)

i love you brittany <3
it's 4 in the morning now ... hopefully i can sleep *kiss*