Saturday, November 14, 2009

hey <3 so as i was perusing the net the other day for news and anything else that caught my eye i found this article on yahoo ... "10 signs he's into you" ... i thought i'd check to see if im into you lol

1.) He calls for no reason - hmm not good here, i think i've talked to you on the phone like maybe 4 times??
2.) He actively seeks out your company- i do this, whenever im free to go anywhere :( if i could choose i'd be with you 24/7 forever
3.) He makes time for you in his life- once again when my time doesn't belong to the marine corps i do :(
4.) His friends know about you- well considering i don't really have many close friends idk ... i definatly don't keep you hidden from anyone!! i love people knowing im with you :)
5.) He takes time to get to know your friends- i know a couple of your friends .. two of your besties were my friends before we even met so i guess that makes this one easy :)
6.) He maintains eye contact- oh yes i love looking in your eyes !!
7.) He leans in when you're talking- yes i do this lol ... remember at mcds our first meet ? i kept leaning in close over the table and then you'd grab my hood and pull my head down and beat me??? i guess i was into you right from the start :/
8.) He listens- im a great listener .. but i think you're better .. you hear and remember everything i say !!
9.) He regularly touches you- ahaha yes i touch a lot! im very touchy feely :D
10.) He takes and interest in your interests- i try very hard to find your interests but i haven't found many other then cooking and shopping an animals an german(idk if its much of one now) ... i think i get a yes on this one.

I'm going to say i scored low on four of the ten ... not bad ... i guess im 3/5 into you lol !! i swear though that if i wasn't a marine i would have scored a 10/10 on this b/c i would be with you more (aka all the time) !!

11 days until home!! new music >> i love you <3