Sunday, April 25, 2010

i come here to this site to read back an think of you .. it comforts me. remember the last night i saw you i asked what you wanted to do an you said jus sit an be an i fell asleep in your arms ... i wish i could do that tonight ...

you know bambi i was jus reading back and that original picture of kea mates looks soo ugly compared to peach faced lovebirds ... im glad we are peach faced lovebirds b/c we are a lot better looking then that.

guess what bambi, only 1447 more days !! my freedom is getting closer ... oh how amazing that time will be. its crazy how fast a year goes, but it is still not fast enough.

<333 xoxo

Monday, December 7, 2009

Hey brittany <3 my roommate Ervin showed this to me the other day. he is a dancer and is always showing me new dance videos ... this one just looked soo cool and the song gets stuck in my head soo easily ... the dance fits the song soo perfectly :))

Thursday, December 3, 2009

1591 days left now until im out for good ... hopefully by then we will be living together :) that would be a dream come true ...

ive been doing a lot of thinking on things we can do when im home next so that we stay out of too much trouble (i didn't say out of all trouble ;) ) im going to prove to you that im creative :) its just that everytime that i come home to see you i only have a few hours with you and the few hours we have i just want to sit with you and i don't want anything to get in the way ... but this trip home will be different ... you get me for TWO WEEKS !!!! so here are some of my ideas ..

We can goto the movies and cuddle again :)
We can go shopping together and look for deals after christmas
We can go go ice skating in dayton or at MU
We can go rock wall climbing down in cincy at rockquest
I can go work out with you once or with you and Matt either or
If it snows we are sledding
We could take a day and go on a roadtrip together and do our shopping trip then too
We could goto a shooting range (you will like it)
We can goto the drive-in movie place and watch a movie from my car ;)
We could go bowling ... im so so on this one :/
Of course we will go walking :)

See i am creative ... sooo you better be prepared for me when im home b/c im going to be ready to go !!! ;)

no new animals to compare us to yet ... right now we are still Kea mates for life :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

its really late and i can't sleep ...
i woke up and saw a text from you but your asleep for sure ...
i keep thinking how soon until i get to come home to you,
it feels soo close but i need it to get here sooner.

idk why but right now i keep imagining you laying here by me and doing your nesting sniffing thing lol ... i love when you do that :))

so i've gotten into this habit of whenever i can't sleep i watch nature shows online and tonights was all about unique courtships ... humans are soo bland ... there was this one monkey in suriname, the males would compete who could make the loudest noise by banging sticks against tree trunks and the loudest ones got the girl lol!! there was another one, the palm cockatoo, they can live up to 90 years old !!! and they usually mate for life. the male attracts a mate or courts his mate by building a nest in a hollow tree trunk and then fashioning a drum stick and pounding out different beats with it on his nest lol!!

i think when i take you to our nest one day ill play the drums for you and see if you want me as your mate :)) or maybe ill make up my own kind of courtship :)

i love you brittany <3
it's 4 in the morning now ... hopefully i can sleep *kiss*

Saturday, November 14, 2009

hey <3 so as i was perusing the net the other day for news and anything else that caught my eye i found this article on yahoo ... "10 signs he's into you" ... i thought i'd check to see if im into you lol

1.) He calls for no reason - hmm not good here, i think i've talked to you on the phone like maybe 4 times??
2.) He actively seeks out your company- i do this, whenever im free to go anywhere :( if i could choose i'd be with you 24/7 forever
3.) He makes time for you in his life- once again when my time doesn't belong to the marine corps i do :(
4.) His friends know about you- well considering i don't really have many close friends idk ... i definatly don't keep you hidden from anyone!! i love people knowing im with you :)
5.) He takes time to get to know your friends- i know a couple of your friends .. two of your besties were my friends before we even met so i guess that makes this one easy :)
6.) He maintains eye contact- oh yes i love looking in your eyes !!
7.) He leans in when you're talking- yes i do this lol ... remember at mcds our first meet ? i kept leaning in close over the table and then you'd grab my hood and pull my head down and beat me??? i guess i was into you right from the start :/
8.) He listens- im a great listener .. but i think you're better .. you hear and remember everything i say !!
9.) He regularly touches you- ahaha yes i touch a lot! im very touchy feely :D
10.) He takes and interest in your interests- i try very hard to find your interests but i haven't found many other then cooking and shopping an animals an german(idk if its much of one now) ... i think i get a yes on this one.

I'm going to say i scored low on four of the ten ... not bad ... i guess im 3/5 into you lol !! i swear though that if i wasn't a marine i would have scored a 10/10 on this b/c i would be with you more (aka all the time) !!

11 days until home!! new music >> i love you <3

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

at most 23 days until i see my love :)
I can't wait im gonna go crazy !!
I have a list of things we should do when I'm home :)

- go see paranormal
- cuddle
- get our fingers sized
- teach you some martial arts
- walk an talk :)
- eat a sheep, oh wait never mind we are vegetarian Kea's :)

thats all i have for now ... but ima think of more. you know mew mew is really mushy sometimes :/ i hope im not too mushy for you when i see you next ... the longer im away from you the mushier i get b/c i wanna let you know i miss you and love you. when i come back from a deployment your really gonna be in trouble lol !!! <3>

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


so a quick correction we are not a Kea pair. they are just too mean to sheep to be an accurate representation of us .... idk what we are :/

102 days together .... 10 days together together : .... idk what to do ..... the military life sucks

new music >>